
Friday, May 17, 2013

Troubleshooting network connectivity for Holynix on VirtualBox

Holynix is a "Linux vmware image that was deliberately built to have security holes for the purposes of penetration testing".  It has 2 levels and solutions are already published.  In this post I'll details my approach to set up network connectivity for the 2 Holynix VMs and another Backtrack VM, all running in VirtualBox.
After some unsuccessful attempts to make it run under VirtualBox and have connectivity, I decided to reset the root password and actually check and understand the network settings.

To reset the root password

  • I've first install VmWare Player on Ubuntu.
  • The open VM in VMWare player
         - Edit Virtual Machine Settings
         - Go to Hard Disk
         - Utilities (at the bottom)
         - Mount Disk and select the second ext partition
  • Make a copy of the /etc/shadow file
  • Delete the password hash of root from /etc/shadow
  • Start again the VM in VirtualBox and login as root without password!

Holynix Level 1

To have connectivity between this machine and the bt machine, I just added an internal network adapter and put Holynix VM in the same lan as bt machine
Then got an IP through DHCP server of the internal network (already configured!)
 # dhclient eth1
(or just apply the steps in next session to have eth0 instead eth1 and get IP automatically on eth0)

Holynix Level 2

First I've also removed root password.

Then for the network settings
  • Add holynix2 and bt to a new internal network
  • Holynix2 assigns static IP on interface eth0 ! (Firewall rules seen when booting show eth0 also)
  • The /etc/network/interfaces  file contains the following:
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static

But we just have eth1, not eth0 ?!
If we examine the kernel messages we see:
# dmesg | grep eth
udev: renamed network interface eth0 to eth1

The explanation for this is found on virtualbox forums:
[SOLVED]Missing eth0 in Ubuntu guest

Basically the problem is that each time a VBox guest has a new/different MAC, Debian and Ubuntu guests udev assigns a new eth number. By deleting that file, it is recreated correctly at the next reboot).

# cd /etc/udev/rules.d
# sudo mv 70-persistent-net.rules 70-persistent-net.rules_old
# sudo reboot

After the reboot, eth0 will be present and configured properly.

For the Bbacktrack machine, we'll configure the interface that's in the same internal network as Holynix 2 VM:
# ifconfig eth4 down
# ifconfig eth4 netmask
# ifconfig eth4 up

Now check that we have connectivity between bt and holynix machines and happy hacking !